22 Mar 2015

What to do on a blustery spring day in the Quad Cities? Jump into a 36 degree lake to raise money for Special Olympics of course!
380 people were registered to do just that! And … as a result … raised $65,500 to boot.
Check out a few of the survivors.14 Mar 2015
Niche.com had a great article that called out Davenport, IA as number 3 on the list of "The 10 Best Cities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day." After this great day Saturday I have to whole heartedly agree. What a blast!
The article describes Davenport, IA and the Quad Cities as "the only bi-state St. Patrick's Day Parade in the U.S. followed by a Post Parade Bash filled with Irish revelry".
Indeed it was!
Check out my photos of the parade and some of the revelry that followed.