I've been working to develop my product photography skills … and especially creating 3D Object VR Images. This is my latest example that uses 4 rows of 24 images.
Click through to see the 3D image.I like to think I'm stepping up my game with this example. A little background as to how this is created …
I'm now using a Fanotec Nodal Ninja Mecha Rotator (E2) to spin the object on a turntable. I program this to take 24 photos in a rotation, one photo every 15 degrees. When the turntable rotates it stops and then tells my camera to take a photo every 15 degrees. This gives me one row of images.
I should also mention that I set up lighting in my studio based on what I learned from David Hobby's lighting workshop. This is essentially a 2 light setup with a 7' umbrella back left of the camera for fill, and a MagnMod Magbox key light setup camera right. I also have two softboxes that backlight my white linen backdrop. While this is all setup as Westcott Strobes, I only used the modeling lights for this project. I ran into some issues with gross reflections coming off the nameplate. So instead of using strobes, I used the modeling lights and took each photo as a set of 5 brackets to create an HDR image.
So … 4 rows of 24 images with 5 brackets for each image ,,, yes, this consisted of 480 images.
This was all shot with an Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III with a 17mm f1.2 Zuiko Lens. I set up the camera to automatically take a 5 bracket series whenever the rotator told it to take a photo.
In order to get each row separated consistently, I used my Fanotec Nodal Ninja V Pano Head to set up each row at 0, 30, 60, and 90 degrees respectively.
Here's a behind the scenes look at the setuo.

I use Adobe Lightroom to merge the HDR Images and refine the images. I owe a shout out to Tony Ventouris (http:/tonyventourisphotography.com) for some great coaching on how to create great product photos.
After merging I used 96 images to create the ObjectVR image. I did have to mask each of these in Adobe Photoshop to create the perfect white background.
Finally, assemble it all for display with Garden Gnome's Object2VR.
It's been a fun project.
Tags: ObjectVR, JDClassic