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Howell Photographic Arts
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John Deere Quad Cities 5k


35th Annual John Deere Quad Cities 5k.
John Deere World Headquarters, Moline, IL

Race Day Events - Search all photos by Bib Number or Name.

Kids Races (Highlights)

5k Race (Highlights)

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Your Photographers
Larry Engstrom
Ryan Gaines
Erin Gehn
JR Howell


Cheryl Ashcraft Retirement


Tom Trone Retirement




Day Of Caring


Day of Caring - Camp Abe Lincoln


Day of Caring - Camp Conestoga


John Deere Volunteerism in India

I’ve had the great honor and pleasure of visiting several projects that John Deere is funding to improve the communities around Pune, India.  This time I was able to visit some projects that were worked on by John Deere employees as a day of volunteering. 296 employees from the Technology Center of India and John Deere Pune Works put in a day of volunteering at a number of sites around Sanaswadi, India. Here are a few photos.

IT Leadership Community Service

edgeThe John Deere Global IT Leadership Team dedicated the afternoon with a Community Service Project at Arrowhead Ranch to help celebrate John Deere’s 175th anniversary in business. The Arrowhead Ranch staff was very organized, easy to work with, and was very happy to have us there to help. We broke into 6 teams and did a wide variety of clean up activities including: weeding, tree trimming, painting, pond cleaning, brick edging removal, workshop cleaning, and a few other activities. Arrowhead ranch kept us hydrated with water, sodas, and an ice cream break. The entire team worked very hard and it was a very satisfying endeavor.

After the Community Service Project, we caravanned to the John Deere Construction Demo site to socialize, eat dinner, have a few drinks, and play a few games of corn bag toss. Here are a few photos of the days activities.

Project "Can Do" Combine

edgeThe Project “Can Do” Combine in the John Deere Pavilion.

Over 300,000 cans, hundreds of volunteers, one very worthy cause.

Here are a few 360 Panoramas of the John Deere Pavilion in Moline, IL with the Project “Can Do” Combine on display. This is a life size combine sculpture that measures 80 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 16 feet tall and is constructed entirely from cans of food. On December 11th, 2011 this sculpture will be torn down and all the food will be donated to the local Food Bank ... enough food to feed 150 families for an entire year.

I’ve been wanting to do some panoramas of the John Deere Pavilion and this seemed like a perfect time. Click on the poster print below to view the panorama.

And ... a few stills are available here.


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